By on April 5, 2020

Today’s Coloring Sheet: Public Information Officers

The Photograph:

Each coloring sheet is created from a real photograph. This photograph was taken by a fantastic Wildland Fire Management Analyst named Casey Teske. As an Analyst in the USA, she is actively engaged in wildfire and ecology decision-making and research, public education and outreach, and operational fire decision-making duties during both prescribed fires and wildfires. Cool, huh?

Converted image:

We hope you enjoyed coloring your sheet. How does it compare to the photo above? Does the photo make you think differently about the picture? Did you use different colors? We can’t wait to see everyone’s finished coloring, so be sure to share below or on social media (with your parent’s permission, of course)!

What is going on in this photo?

Public Information Officers can be found in fire camps working with the incident command team to make sure good, accurate information is disseminated both internally and externally. They can be found out on the fireline, capturing photos and video to document and share the fire activity and operations. They often work with the media, giving interviews on the current status of fires and escorting them to the fireline so that they can get footage and firefighter interviews. They also give presentations at community meetings, and more.

Download the coloring sheet again:

Click on the image below to download sheets in different languages.

Be sure to share your completed picture with us!


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