Some of the original members of the Bushmen Crew (now Entiat Hotshots) | Interviewed May, 2014 | Washington
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The Smokey Generation had the privilege of sitting down with some of the first Bushmen Inter-regional Fire Suppression Crew (now Entiat Hotshots) in 2014. This video introduces each interviewee and provides some history of the crew. Participants include: John Barnes, Troy Corn, R.J. Hayes, Richard (Louie) Hoglund, Randy McLandress, David L. Spies, Chuck Stanton, Rusty Thompson, and Charles B. Wolf.
How to watch the videosTo start the video, click on the title in the main player or click the orange triangular play button. Choose a different thumbnail to select a new video to watch. | Trouble viewing?All videos are in HD, which means they are very large files. If you’re having trouble viewing the videos, try clicking pause for a few moments to let each video completely load before watching.