District Fire Management Officer | Interviewed May, 2014 | California
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Ron Garcia, District Fire Management Officer, describes his career progression, including having the privilege of establishing the Kings River Hotshot Crew from scratch. Interviewed 5/2014
(Each thumbnail at the bottom tells a new story)
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How does Ron see the role of fire in the environment?
“From my perspective, fire has a huge role in the environment…I think that we could do a lot more burning, prescribed fire. I’m an advocate of prescribed fire and I’d like to see more fires in the wilderness. I’m very in supportive of fire burning across the landscape to meet multiple objectives. I understand ecological restoration; I think it’s important and I think were missing an opportunity. When the conditions allow, we need to be allowing fire to burn naturally in the wilderness (when it’s safe to do)…I think by allowing fire to burn naturally through the landscape, it gives us the opportunity to prevent large devastating fires.”